Call of Zuma: Skillnad mellan sidversioner

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Versionen från 31 januari 2021 kl. 13.03


To access this questline you must finish:



Quest Giver Access requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward money.png


Henry: I have a special task for you. The middle of the map has been freshly explored. There was a new settlement established called Hope. A lot of Greenhorns have arrived and settled there. Still, Hope is missing a sheriff. Only the local preacher, Reverend Roy, is holding up the peace there. Can you get there and support him a bit until Fitzburn finds a permanent sheriff?Sounds like an adventure! Since you do not have anything better to do at the moment, you agree and saddle your horse towards Hope. You will find the location of the jobs for this questline in the center of the map.
The sheriff thanks you for accepting the task at Hope and pays you a decent salary.

The Reverend

Quest Giver Access requirements Accept requirements Requires Reward
Settlement Hope.png
Go to:
Settlement Hope.png
Work as a Trapper

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


You get to the new settlement. It is a nice calm place on the prairie. There are a lot of young men still wet behind the ears, and busy as bees, in the streets. You head to the church to find the reverend.Reverend Roy: So you are the famous one Henry told me about. We need somebody of your sort here in town. I could really use the help.This area is still vile and vicious. Last week, a bear carried away a fair maiden! The people here do not feel safe. Please free us from the wild beasts and creatures that roam this prairie.Please get to your duties and head into the wilderness.
The wilderness is free of beasts. The reverend thanks you.Hmm, you found a strange music sheet in the wilderness while working as a trapper... What can this be? The title of the song reads "Call of Zuma"...

The call

Quest Giver Access requirements Accept requirements Requires Reward
Settlement Hope.png
Go to:
Settlement Hope.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reverend Roy: You found something strange in the woods? A music sheet?We have no time for fuzz like this. There are a lot of bandits here. Do not worry. We have a lot of work to do here! You keep on working in the settlement as you are told. But the sheet does not get out of your mind... You decide to sneak into the saloon with the notes in hand after it closes and play the sheet on the piano. The saloon throws the last drunkards out at 8 am. It does not open till the afternoon. You need the music sheet equipped in order to play piano...
Okay, nobody is in the saloon. Time to play this strange song "Call of Zuma".As you start to tickle the ivories, suddenly a ghostly figure is standing in front of you.Ghostly figure:Whooooooooo dares to call Zuma?! You are the second person in two days seeking for endless riches! My treasure is well hidden and cursed. Finding it means dooming the world! Find it before the other one does if you want to save the world.In shock of the ghost's appearance, you take a step backwards and fall off the stage. In a desperate attempt to regain balance you try to hold yourself on the whiskey rack, but it collapses and the bottles hit your head. The world goes black.


Quest Giver Access requirements Accept requirements Requires Reward
Settlement Hope.png
Go to:
Settlement Hope.png
Guide Greenhorns

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


You wake up by an angry Reverend Roy showering you with cold water from the horse trough.Reverend Roy: You are laying here drunk in the saloon! You drank all the whiskey This is not the kind of person we need here in Hope.You did not drink? A ghost? Tell that story to your grandma, boozer. You get one last chance, and that's just because Henry is standing up for you!The Reverend will not believe your story. He ordered you to guide the greenhorns through the wilderness and show them which plants are okay to eat.You pick up your sheet of notes and hurry out of the saloon. A ghost giving you a piece of a map? Somebody will doom the world? Still somewhat dizzy, you start your work.
You walk the greenhorns through the prairie and explain how to read tracks.While explaining that it is a bad plan to eat the Hellebores Niger plant, you spot something in the thicket.Another map piece?! This can't be a coincidence... Seems like you are missing another one.

Leave alone the greenhorns

Quest Giver Access requirements Accept requirements Requires Reward
Greenhorn Camp in the woods.png
Go to:
Greenhorn Camp in the woods.png
You have to finish quest Leave alone the greenhorns (Call of Zuma) in 3 hours
Finish Leave alone the greenhorns (Call of Zuma) in 3 hours
Found items during jobs: 5/5

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


You got 2 map pieces. The lust for treasure is boiling up inside you. The ghost said that you are meant to save the world... The last map piece must be near! You can feel it. But what to do with the greenhorns? You decide to leave the greenhorns alone and scan the area. It won't be long...not if you hurry. You can't leave them alone for too much time. You light them a fire and tell them not to move. You mention that you will be back in three hours or less. This quest counts only the luck and event drop items. Random items that drop in place of a product do not count - e.g. as in the job travelling merchant.
Damn. You did not find anything out there. You wonder where this map piece might be.You decide to stop and return to the poor greenhorns. You have a guilty conscience after leaving them alone for so long.

The curse

Quest Giver Access requirements Accept requirements Requires Reward
Greenhorn Camp in the woods.png
Go to:
Greenhorn Camp in the woods.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


You enter the camp where you left the greenhorns. OH MY GOD They are all dead A bloody mark is smeared on the ground reading "Call of Zuma". What happened? Quick, you need to help them, maybe you can save some of them. WHO WAS THAT???
You try to bandage the wounds of the poor greenhorns. What happened here? Who did this? Can this be the "other one" seeking Zuma's treasure? Could this be the one the ghost was talking about? Reverend Roy: Freeze and put your hands up! You drunkard. You've killed all these poor youngsters!

Suspected and hunted

Quest Giver Access requirements Accept requirements Requires Reward
Greenhorn Camp in the woods.png
Go to:
Greenhorn Camp in the woods.png
Defeat Reverend Roy
Defeat Reverend Roy

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


You see Reverend Roy behind you. Oh no. This must look bad. First, he thought you were belligerently drunk in the saloon and now this. You are bent over the dead greenhorns with blood-smeared hands... Reverend Roy: You killed these greenhorns. I will see to it that you meet justice.
Wow, that was a tough duel. You do not know how, but you managed to escape the reverend. You flee through the thicket of the prairie. From a distance you hear Roy yell after you.Reverend Roy: You will never be able to run nor hide from me! I swear to you that justice will be served!

A friend in need

Quest Giver Access requirements Accept requirements Requires Reward
Greenhorn Camp in the woods.png
Go to:
Greenhorn Camp in the woods.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


You ponder in your head. Why would somebody kill these greenhorns? Somebody seems to be one step behind you attempting to retrieve these map pieces and ultimately the treasure of Zuma.You decide to go to Henry the barkeeper. He trusts you. Maybe he can calm down the revered.You cant just walk int the saloon, because the Sheriff will arrest you on sight with hard evidence against you.Henry's private house is in the Northeast part of the map. You decide to go there and wait for him.
The third map piece! You should puzzle the map together, but it is not safe out here. Maybe you should sit down in Henry's house and take some time.

A Safe Place

Quest Giver Access requirements Accept requirements Requires Reward
Henry's Home.png
Go to:
Henry's Home.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


You arrive at the house of the barkeeper. It is an old, shabby building. Henry works at the saloon all the time and hasn't had the opportunity to renovate.You know where Henry keeps his spare key. He is a passionate pepper farmer. He usually hides it in his pepper field. You should be able to find it if you search a while. The field is quite big though, so get a move on. Keep searching. A pepper field is big; a key is small. You will find it eventually.
Oh my god! You not only find the key, you found the third map piece! What is it doing in Henry's field??? You enter Henry's house to be in a safe location and have a closer look.


Quest Giver Access requirements Accept requirements Requires Reward
Henry's Home.png
Go to:
Henry's Home.png




Work as a Translator

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


It seems like the map points to a place at the outskirts of the prairie. Maybe the place where Zuma's treasure is hidden? Somebody has written a bit of text with blood on it. Creepy. It is written in a foreign language. Luckily you are experienced enough to work as a translator.
You look at the translated text. "To revive Zuma, it takes a human vessel for his soul. He will grant his caller riches, but will doom the rest of the world.” This makes no sense. Waking up an ancient ghost? A human vessel? Is anyone really so stupid to doom the whole world? Your head is spinning. Finally you sit down in Henry's old wing chair. Phew, you feel pretty exhausted and fall into an unsettled sleep dreaming of the cursed Zuma treasure.

A surprising wake-up call

Quest Giver Access requirements Accept requirements Requires Reward
Henry's Home.png
Go to:
Henry's Home.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


You wake up by a loud CLICK sound. A gun is pointed at your face.Reverend Roy: I told you: you can't escape justice. Now get up steady and ---Loud voices are coming from the pepper field. Bandits! They must be after the map.Bandits on the field: What do you mean the map piece is not here? It HAS to be here. Get into the house and search.Reverend Roy: Burglars! The prairie is full of bandits these days. You stay here. I will take care of them. STOP! By the law, I forbid you - Everything happens pretty fast. The reverend is darting out of the building thinking he can take out every bandit in the world by himself. The result: The bandits knock him down and get away with him and the map. Great. Now they have their human vessel...
You hide and watch them leave. The bandits are splitting up. You have to decide to free the reverend or get the map.

Signpost.png Path 1: Free the Reverend

Quest Giver Access requirements Accept requirements Requires Reward
Henry's Home.png
Go to:
Henry's Home.png
Bandit duels won : 10/10

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward title.png


Oh no, the bandits have split up into two groups. You decide to follow the left group. You can take them out with your top-notch dueling skills.
The reverend was not in this group. Damn. But you questioned a bandit and know that they were heading to the ghost town.

Signpost.png Path 2: Get the recipe

Quest Giver Access requirements Accept requirements Requires Reward
Henry's Home.png
Go to:
Henry's Home.png
Compete at Arm Wrestling

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward title.png


Oh no, the bandits have split up into two groups. You decide to follow the right group. You can surprise them in a saloon they are stopping at and take them out with your overwhelming wrestling skills.
The reverend was not in this group. Damn. But you questioned a bandit and know that they were heading to the ghost town.


Quest Giver Access requirements Accept requirements Requires Reward
Ghost town.png
Go to:
Ghost town.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


You followed them to the ghost town. The bandits are standing around the fainted reverend. Seems they are performing some kind of rite.And… Oh my... it seems like the ghost of Zuma has entered his body. Can this be real? The ghost of Zuma frees himself from the shackles. He knocks out the bandits. You need to do something or the world will be cursed. You need to save the reverend. Maybe you can get Zuma's soul into a new vessel - a less powerful one. There is nothing written that says the vessel needs to be alive, or even a whole body. You got to be able to find something like this!
You hold the skull in front of the reverend and say the words. Zuma's soul is transitioning into the new vessel. He seems really angry.Zuma's soul: What?! You're putting me into this unsuitable vessel?! You stopped the curse!Zuma will not be able to curse or destroy anything in a skull without legs or arms. Poor Zuma... You decide to leave him here in the middle of the desert.

End this

Quest Giver Access requirements Accept requirements Requires Reward
Ghost town.png
Go to:
Ghost town.png
Defeat Stranger
Defeat Stranger

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Time to take down the bandit chief who is behind all of this.
You managed to place the bandit chief in handcuffs. He will not be trying to summon any old Aztec gods for a long time.

Save the Reverend

Quest Giver Access requirements Accept requirements Requires Reward
Ghost town.png
Go to:
Ghost town.png
Work as a Bodyguard

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward bonds.png


Time to get out the poor reverend. He is very exhausted from being possessed by an Aztec spirit. There are still a lot of bandits around. You will need to carry him.Reverend Roy: I am sorry. I was blinded by my sense of justice. I was wrong. I-I-I suspected the wrong person. These bandits, they killed the greenhorns because they wanted to get this map.
You forgive the reverend, managing to get him out of the prairie, and back to Hope. On your way, you notice that the possessed skull has vanished and left a strange box. This - this must be the treasure!